NEWS FLASH: Spreadsheets are so last season...

Unleash your "Million-Dollar ​Intuition":

The Daily Practice That ​Builds Empires

I've been super busy tweaking and testing a lil magic behind the scenes.

And if you've seen a shift my content or my emails (hello, sass basket) then you've experienced the power of cultivating a connection with your truest self...

Why I did this...

Cos I was sick of second-guessing my next business move.

Too many Fs were being given to;

🥱 "Getting it right" for my audience (when you want more of ME)

😣 Follow what I already knew but felt icky doing (funnels were my bread and butter)

🤪 Using the wrong metrics for success (instead of how many ripples I caused in my DMs with "thank you, how can I pay you?")

Meet your new secret weapon: The Intuition Deck Subscription

This isn't your grandma's tarot deck or some abstract spiritual shizz...

It's science based, "activate your right brain thinking" for logic driven and strategy heavy Entrepreneurs (that was me!)

☕️ We're talking about a twice weekly shot of CEO mojo, straight to your inbox to get you out of your head and into your heart.

(Your electromagnetic magic centre that literally pulls opportunities to you!)

How I've been using it and how you can too...

  • Monday - My CEO meeting to jump start my week
  • Friday - My Weekly Review to close down the week feeling accomplished... not worrying about all the things I didn't do

I’ll slide into your inbox with an intuition card, juicy spark questions, actions steps and a real life scenario that'll make your inner guru sit up and take notice.

Think of it as your personal hotline to that brilliant right-brain of yours... the one that has the real, authentic answers you’re craving.

I designed especially to help you cut through the noise, ditch the "should-dos," and build a business that's as badass and unique as you are.

Whether you're a startup rebel or a seasoned CEO looking to shake sh!t up, The Intuition Deck Subscription is about to become your new BFF.

Ready to turn your gut feelings into gold?

P.S. If you have a CEO meeting and a weekly review in your biz then this is perfect for you. You do have that, right?

P.P.S. Not in biz? No drama… lemme know if you want a non-biz version and I’ll see what I can do 😘

Oh... and if you want a taster...

This is the card I pulled on Monday which kicked off this idea. Holding the vision, doing the work, trusting the process 🤍

Good morning, Intuitive Entrepreneur!

Today's card from the Intuition Deck is here to guide you toward authentic success. As you begin your week, take a moment to centre yourself and connect with your inner wisdom.

Your Intuition Card for today is: The Manifestation Card

Traditional Card: The Magician

Card Overview:

The Manifestation Card represents resourcefulness, and the power to create your own reality. It signifies a time of utilising your skills, talents, and resources to achieve your goals. This card embodies the energy of initiative, creativity, and the ability to turn ideas into reality.

Entrepreneurial Insight:

For an entrepreneur, The Manifestation Card indicates a period of powerful creativity and the ability to bring your visions to life. It's a sign that you have the skills, resources, and potential to achieve your business goals. This card encourages you to harness your talents, take initiative, and use your creativity to manifest success.

Key Messages:

  1. Manifestation:
    • Recognise your ability to turn ideas into reality. Focus on what you want to achieve and take the necessary steps to manifest your goals AND hold the vision.
  2. Resourcefulness:
    • Use your skills, knowledge, and resources effectively. Be resourceful and innovative in finding solutions and achieving your objectives.
  3. Initiative and Action:
    • Take initiative and be proactive in pursuing your goals. Action is key to turning your visions into reality.
  4. Creativity and Innovation:
    • Embrace your creativity and think outside the box. Innovation can set you apart and lead to unique opportunities and success.
  5. Confidence and Focus:
    • Have confidence in your abilities and stay focused on your goals. Believe in yourself and your capacity to create the future you desire.

Action Steps:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define what you want to achieve and create a detailed plan to reach your goals. Break down your vision into actionable steps while holding the vision.
  • Harness Your Skills: Identify your key strengths and skills. Utilise these talents to their fullest potential to drive your business forward.
  • Take Initiative: Don’t wait for opportunities to come to you. Actively seek out and create opportunities that align with your goals.
  • Embrace Creativity: Look for innovative solutions and new ways to approach challenges. Encourage a culture of creativity within your team.
  • Stay Confident and Focused: Maintain confidence in your abilities and stay focused on your objectives. Keep your eyes on the prize and persevere through challenges.

Spark Questions for The Manifestation Card

  1. Manifestation:
    • What are your most important business goals, and how can you take concrete steps to manifest them?
    • How can you visualise and plan the path to achieving your vision?
  2. Resourcefulness:
    • What skills, knowledge, and resources do you currently have that can help you achieve your goals?
    • How can you be more resourceful and innovative in solving problems and reaching objectives?
  3. Initiative and Action:
    • What initiatives can you take right now to move closer to your goals?
    • How can you be more proactive in seeking and creating opportunities?
  4. Creativity and Innovation:
    • What creative solutions or innovative ideas can you explore to address current challenges?
    • How can you foster a culture of creativity and innovation in your business?
  5. Confidence and Focus:
    • What can you do to boost your confidence in your abilities and maintain focus on your goals?
    • How can you stay committed to your vision and persevere through obstacles?

Example Scenario with The Manifestation Card

Scenario: You have an innovative business idea and want to turn it into a successful venture, but you're unsure how to start. You have a hint of an idea you want to bring to life. It’s been on the back burner or jotted down on your notepad for a while. You’ve seen some chatter online that now would be a good time to create it so you go for it.

Using Spark Questions:

  1. Manifestation:
    • Clearly define your business idea and set specific goals for what you want to achieve. Create a roadmap with actionable steps to bring your idea to life. Imagine with all of you that the vision is real and watch as the steps are revealed.
  2. Resourcefulness:
    • Identify your existing skills and resources that can support your venture. Consider how you can leverage these assets effectively.
  3. Initiative and Action:
    • Take the first step by conducting market research and creating a business plan. Reach out to potential partners, investors, or mentors for support and advice. Have a convo with ChatGPT about your markets wants, desires and fears.
  4. Creativity and Innovation:
    • Brainstorm creative solutions and unique selling points for your business. Think about how you can differentiate yourself from competitors and offer something new to the market. What is your unique mechanism?
  5. Confidence and Focus:
    • Build your confidence by setting small, achievable milestones and celebrating each success. Stay focused on your long-term vision and remain committed to overcoming challenges.

It's safe to say that this card was the catalyst to bringing The Intuition Deck to life for you in a new and innovative way. Imagine eceiving a nudge twice a week to snap you out of your usual thinking and get creative?! It could be your Million Dollar Empire!

It's already done,


No content I provide should be considered health, medical, financial or investment advice. This email and the content I provide is for education and entertainment purposes only. I do not claim to provide you with health, medical, financial or investment advice. Using this content, you are responsible for your own mental, physical, emotional and financial health.

CAROLYNNE ALEXANDER // Made in the UK, Serving Worldwide
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