BREAKING NEWS: You can’t outthink healing work

Today's Museletter - 2-minute read

BREAKING NEWS: You can’t out-think healing work

And this is why masculine-style coaching won’t work for you. Because healing takes place in the body, not in the mind. The mind is masculine and the body is feminine.

Notice how all the success gurus are men?!

No wonder, as women, we’re all wondering why it’s not working for us!

Quick Story
Back in 2021, I spent close to £10k on coaching. And it failed me, BIG TIME! I did all the work, filled out the workbook, showed up on every call, and in the end, it broke me.
“Try harder, do more, think better thoughts” Oh, please!? 🤮
What I needed (and asked for) was to get to the root cause of my stuckness.
What I got was a mindset framework and a 15-minute call where the outcome was “look for abundance in your life”.

Here’s the realness…

You can’t out-think your behaviour.

Because your behaviour is driven by your subconscious.

And your subconscious is where?!? (Don’t you dare point at your head!)

Your subconscious is your BODY (your whole body, not just your mind).

*head explodes*

So how does this tie into your relationship?

Yesterday, I said that your relationship shows you where you aren’t free. It’s instant feedback as to where to begin with your healing.

What shows up in your relationship is a fast track to showing you where your subconscious needs an overhaul.

After the magical honeymoon period, your behaviour becomes less intentional. You go onto autopilot and life gets pretty samey.

This is biology and is linked to vasopressin and oxytocin, BTW.

Your autopilot is dictated by… You guessed it, your subconscious.

Behaviours you were shown by your caregivers thanks to good old mirror neurons. Was your mother figure an overgiver? Did your father figure show no emotion? How did your family deal with arguments? You probably do the same.

It’s a repeating pattern from your past experiences. Old relationships, childhood, etc. which embedded themselves into your subconscious.

And then we have your underlying nervous system. How safe do you feel on a moment-to-moment basis?

Bit of a tangled mess… but there is hope.

Instead of dealing with your relationship from the top-down (mindset, reading books, learning, modelling), we can use a bottom-up approach.

And that's where we're going tomorrow.

Stay tuned to find out what happened next!

