Billionaires, Barbenheimer and Boredom | Museletter

Hey you,

What’s up!?

Thought I’d pop my head around the door to check if you’re ok.

And there you are, lying on your bed reading a copy of Smash Hits like the 1990s.

“Want a cuppa?”

I’ve been taking a little time to heal my RSI and wow, it’s a long journey.

But in the midst of all of that... I’m finding time to be bored.

True story!

When you remove social media from your screen diet and are forced to limit your work time to a few hours a day... boredom sets in.

Boredom... or spaciousness to enjoy life?!

Well, let’s just say I’m barreling through novels at an alarming rate. Two or three a week. (Send me your recommendations - hit reply!)

And cooking with my delightful new-fangled pan (I know, your 40s are a joy!)

Plus furiously Googling cricketing terms to understand what the hell is going on in The Ashes.

Anyway, you signed up for The Museletter for that exact thing.

To untangle from the hecticness (is that a word) of life and settle back into your natural rhythms of being human.

An old coach of mine used the term “creative loafing” as the time we need to explore ideas, get in touch with our intuition and generally be bored.

My Trip Advisor review of creative loafing is five stars.


I know, I know.

You may not have the luxury of taking time out for yourself.

So I pose this question - when did time to yourself become a luxury?

We watched our parents work three jobs, raise kids, and still make mortgage payments.

But we also only had four channels on the TV, our viewing was limited to Neighbours and the cinema was the only time we’d sit still for two hours. And More Magazine only came out fortnightly. Remember "position of the fortnight"?! Wow!

We’ve swapped time to ourselves for time with billions of others screaming for our attention.

Not to mention batsh!t crazy billionaires doing the rebranding hatchet job of the century. Or the other batsh!t crazy billionaire™️ launching a copycat app that’s losing more users than the original Book of Faces.

Aren’t you tired of the merry-go-round yet?

If you are then you’re going to love my “Modern Marketing without Social Media” training.

The feedback has been phenomenal from the first round.

I’ve had folks pivoting their business, getting super clear on their megaphone message and dipping their toe into alternative spaces to promote their business.

All this in under 2 minutes a day.

Howzat for you?! 🏏

All you have to do is clickety-click here and you’ll be in the gang.

Speak soon.

P.S. Talking about movies. Team Oppenheimer or Team Barbie? Hit reply and let me know.
